Monday, April 4, 2011

...We'll Never Stop,Cuz We're Only Getting Better

Woah...been a while hasn't it? Suprised I remembered the password. Anyway,the past few days have been pretty eventful. So lets start with Friday.

So at school,the 7th and 8th grades are divided into teams. The 7th grade is teams 7-1, 7-2, 7-3, and7-4. We have 8-5, 8-6, 8-7, and 8-8. I'm on 8-7 and on Friday, we had a feild trip to this new science Museum in  DC and the National Archives. The museum sent over these charter buses,ya know the busses with the bathrooms and TV's? Yeah. So they had 3 of those things and they seemed to put really bizzare kids in with eachother because somehow I wound up next to Steve on the way up there and he kept messing with my MP3 player (that I wasn't suppoed to have in the first place...) and stealing Brianna's phone and all that,so not the most peaceful half hour for me...until I got mobile web working and spent 20 minitues on Facebook. When we got there,my group made the 10 minitue trek up to the archives,only to stand outside in the freezing temperatures for 45 frickin minitues. I kept getting as close to Kevin and Kaleb as possible to stay warm. When we finally got inside and through security and up to the routunda,we only had like 45 minitues to look at everything before we walked BACK to the McDonalds accross the street from the muesum. So glad I brought my lunch because some kids only had like 5 minitues to eat there's so many of us. 8-7 took over the lunch rush for half an hour. Then we went accross the street to the muesum after waiting outside for everyone else. I think the highlight of the day was this plastic cow that everyone seemed to just love...

Saturday wasn't all the exciting. Pretty much just Judo. After that before I changed into my normal pants Alexi (for the first time and I wear the stupid thing almost everyday) noticed my studded belt and just randomly said "What are you gonna do with that? Hit someone?!?!" Thinking back,I shoulda said yes...might hit hit with it tomarrow after Jiu-Jitsu...

Yesterday was crazy. So I woke up at about 10 and couldn't get back to sleep. (14 year olds sleep,thats what we do.) The contracter was here working on the door. About 2 I went over to Elle's to work on this civics project with Her Kennedy and Jiali. Jiali brought some chinese for lunch so we had that. Right after we start eating,Kennedy says (after I've said it 3 times...) "Anybody allergic to anything?" So I remind everyone about my Milk,All Nuts and Ornages allergy and we find out,that Soy Sauce has peanuts in it. So I started having an Alleric reaction,I wind up going home and I crash out for 3 and a half hours from being hopped up on so much allergy medicine.

Bringing us to today-nothing. I've been up since 10 again,it's 1 and I still haven't gotten dressed. Guess I'll see ya tomarrow...might be more eventful ;)

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