Saturday, March 26, 2011

...And We,We Make a Good Team

We make a good team. That group of misfits and popular kids and everyone in between. All that goes out the window when we walk in that door. We're all friends,in and out of class. We say hi in the hall at school,and when we see each other anywhere. No matter how big an age differance,we really care about one another. We get in each others heads,we can practicly finish everyone else's sentances. We know when too far is too far with the jokes and messing around. There are times we drive each other absulutely crazy,but at the end of the day,we care about everyone in that room at the end of class. There's always someone that'll listen to you,always someone there for you,no matter what. We're always there for each other. We automaticly accept anyone new. It's not like real school,we don't judge,don't back talk,and we just have a common respect. We're all best friends,and it's totally ok to hang out with the little kids,even if you're in middle school. There's something differant about us Team Assassin kids...we just don't know what exactly it is sometimes.

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