Tuesday, March 29, 2011

...Who's Gonna Run This Town Tonight?

Have I ever said my friends are weird before? If I have,I've said it a thousand times. Today is a perfect example. In 5th period,like everyday,Alexi yelled at Ms.Harper from the back of the room that she;s a ball sack. Day moves on. About 20 minitues or a half an hour later,a freaking paper airplane goes under my chair. I look up and around at the people behind me. Alexi's just smiling at me. Figures he would do that. I slide it over my desk at Kevin,who barely notices,and move on. 10 minitues later,Alexi randomly asks me to hand him the paper airplane. I grab it and (without aiming...I have a craptastic aim anyway) and it lands behind his desk. He kinda looks at me for a split second and just says "Really?" a few minitues later,in the midst of the continuous note passing between Kevin and Estella,Kevin did something to annyo me,so I poke him with my pencil end,he did it again and I stabbed him the the sharp end. Guess his reaction was hilarious because everyone starts laughing. SCORE 2 ABBY!!!!!!

Later on at Jiu-Jitsu (you saw this coming,right?) I run in,take off my glasses,bracelets,necklace,Silly Bandz,rip my jeans off (thank GOD I'm smart enough to put my shorts on under my jeans) and run out,remembering to bow on my way out the door,and just plant myself down with the boys,next to Alexi,who barely notices me until Chris says "What,no Hi?" Not even there 3 minitues and Alexi looks over and me,and back up at Christian,then back to me "Roll with her." So I roll with Christian,and loose,but put up one hell of a fight. 3 minitues AFTER that,Alexi has me hitting the mat AGAIN  with Chris to "see if I was better then him" ?????????  I seriously kicked his ass once I got him in my mount,Americana and he taps just as Alexi and Christian are coming back over. Couldn't belive I beat him with an Americana. In the last 20 minitues we were rolling formaly,and I was with Kourtney,as usual,and in our first match,we ended up by,you guessed it,Alexi and Christian. After Mr.Butler called break,I just went next to Alexi and he called me Abigial. And he knows I hate being called that. Except with him I kinda like it...so tomarrow I'm telling him that he is the one person who is allowed to call me that. So,notice it's mainly my GUY FRIENDS that are weird. Trust me,the chicks I know are weird too,Noelle was randomly asking me if she was right and I had no clue what she was talking about...but mainly,I seem to hang out with really weird,really random guys...scary right?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

...I Been High,I Been Low,I Been Yes,and I Been Oh Hell No

People can be absulutely insane. But sometimes,the people that are the most insane make the most sense. Ever realize that? Crazy people sometimes say very profound things. Like this-

"I was always fascinated by people who are considered completely normal, because I find them the weirdest of all."  -Johnny Depp

Take Albert Einstein for example. He grew up with people beliveing he was a total moron. And yet,he grows up,and invents the light bulb.

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe."  -Albert Einstein

But then there's people like Nicola Tesla. The man was a sheer genius,but then went mentaly insane and died in a hotel room.

“Like a flash of lightning and in an instant the truth was revealed. I drew with a stick on the sand the diagrams of my motor. A thousand secrets of nature which I might have stumbled upon accidentally I would have given for that one which I had wrestled from her against all odds and at the peril of my existence.” -Nicola Tesla

Then again,there are always complete idiots that we can rely on for advise,too.

“I’m tired of pretending like I’m not special. I’m tired of pretending like I’m not bitching, a total frickin’ rock star from Mars.”  -Charlie Sheen

There are people who have talent-

 “Love is just a word, but you bring it definition.”  -Eminem

“All I need is what I’ve got. My soul is free and I’ve got more than enough. I believe in love and I’ll never stop. That’s why all I need is what I’ve got…”  -Natasha Bedingfield

“The last thing a young woman needs is another picture of a sexy pop star writhing in sand, covered in grease, touching herself. My image was an issue at my record label. I fought for months and cried at meetings. I got criticized for being arrogant because if you’re sure of yourself as a woman they say you’re a bitch whereas if you’re a man and you’re strong-willed it’s normal.”  -Lady Gaga

And there are people that we have no clue who they are,but they make perfect sense-

"In each family a story is playing itself out, and each family's story embodies its hope and despair." - Author Unknown

"We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love."  -Author Unknown

"Anyone can catch your eye, but it takes someone special to catch your heart."  -Author Unknown

"Out of all the people I've ever met, you're the one who makes me draw those silly little hearts on my papers."  -Author Unknown

But out of everyone that has ever said something,the ones that make the most sense,are the people closest to you. They make you smile,they make you embarrassed,and they just plain make you laough out loud. It doesn't even have to make any sense for it to make sense,they just have to say it. Like when a boy come up with something about how much he loves you and it makes absulutely no sense what so ever,you still know what he means and you don't slap him.

"So when someone says something thats profound,embarrassing,memorable,or just uncontrolably funny,remember it,and when thet person makes somethign of themselves,post it on their facebook wall,and wait for the comments to roll in." -Me :)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

...And We,We Make a Good Team

We make a good team. That group of misfits and popular kids and everyone in between. All that goes out the window when we walk in that door. We're all friends,in and out of class. We say hi in the hall at school,and when we see each other anywhere. No matter how big an age differance,we really care about one another. We get in each others heads,we can practicly finish everyone else's sentances. We know when too far is too far with the jokes and messing around. There are times we drive each other absulutely crazy,but at the end of the day,we care about everyone in that room at the end of class. There's always someone that'll listen to you,always someone there for you,no matter what. We're always there for each other. We automaticly accept anyone new. It's not like real school,we don't judge,don't back talk,and we just have a common respect. We're all best friends,and it's totally ok to hang out with the little kids,even if you're in middle school. There's something differant about us Team Assassin kids...we just don't know what exactly it is sometimes.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

...If You Find a Man That Worth a Damn and Treats You Well

Boys. Middle School boys in particular. Are weird. Very...weird. Why are middle school boys weird you ask? Does there have to be just one reason? Today is a perfect example. Today,lots of random stuff happened. Just out of the blue random,not just saying something like "Eggs are purple" or something like that,just out of the blue kinda random. And the "Eggs are purple" kinda random too,but beside the point. All boys are weird in one way or another. Ok,weird and random are 2 different things. I guess they can be random and weird,but most of the boys I hang out with are just really random. Wanna know why? Lets go through my favorites,one by one,from a professional point of view,I present to you-my research.

# 10) Ronaldo- The least bizarre of them all,he actually has some sense on what "normal" is. But he does have his moments. He attacks people randomly (ok,Troy and I do that too...) and looses focus sometimes,but he is actually somewhat normal.

#9) Troy- Troy's a total nut,most ADHD kid I know,drives me,Ronaldo,and Alexi especially insane. He constantly wants to roll with me,and keeps it up until I let him beat me. He's pretty immature for his age,I add it up to his ADHD,but he is still pretty bizarre,landing his a spot in the top 10.

#8) Caleb- You had to see this coming. Caleb's a big leap from Troy on the weird scale. He's more weird than random,even though he can be random,he just tends to do weird stuff more than say something that doesn't fit the situation. (That's MY job...) He lets the more weird/random people in the countdown mess with him (see numbers 1 and 2) more than I do,mainly because he can't come up with something to fire back with to save his life.

#7) Kaleb- Friend from school,and he's very bizarre. He's dating a certain someone at school...and at lunch spends all his time talking to her and not paying attention to #4 on the list. Makes weird noises,and tends to be just plain annoying at times,but still kinda nice to have around.

#6) Jarod- This kid is kinda weird,but not entirely a freak show. He constantly talks about his Asian-ness and gets playfully annoyed whenever anyone calls him a "Japajew" (..?) But I can actually engage him in a semi-intelligent conversation,so he still has hope...

#5) Marcus- I swear,this kid is gay. He at least acts like he is. Major drama queen,into his clothes and trips out if they get messed up. He's also very easy to mess with. Example-He walks into science saying "Who's Awesome?" (meaning himself) me,being the nasty little girl I am, just says "Not you." getting a "Who said that?" in response. He's obsessed with himself,putting himself in the top 10 weirdest boys I know.

#4) Devin- This kid is WHACKED out. But not the weirdest boy I know. He has times where he's obsessed with something. Like a few weeks ago-he would mess with Kaleb's food and scream "EXOTIC!" out of the blue. He gets himself in trouble and doesn't seem to care.He likes to scream randomly. That's very weird-but trust me-the Team Assassin boys get a LOT worse...

#3) James- The kid is even lighter weight than ME (the one everyone uses when they need someone to throw around) and is just weird in general. Says really random stuff and is just kinda creepy in general. But still a good friend,like everyone on this list.

#2) Chris- Now I'm having fun...Alexi's little brother who seems to like messing with me almost as much as his brother. (Man,I just gave away who's #1...) Says the most random stuff to me at random times,just like his brother.

#1) Alexi- There are reasons Alexi and Chris aren't tied for 1st. These reasons being,Alexi randomly stares at me in 5th period. Until I look up,then he keeps looking at me for a few seconds before he looks down. Plus,he just cracks me up. Like calling the gym teacher a ball sack one day (or minute would be a better word...) and saying "Uh huh,yeah Girl-friend" to her the next (and me later...) And saying stuff just loud enough for me to hear,and the only person who I never gave formal permission to pick on my brother,but somehow knows I'm cool with it,because he randomly came over to him,started hitting his arm and going off on how "word on the street is he's been slacking." He's hilarious. And one of the only boys I know who gets me,and that just means he knows what he's doing with girls. And ANYONE who has survived middle school knows,thats not normal at ALL.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

...I'm thinking maybe I can't have relationships (cuz lately,their not making ANY sense...)

*EDIT: Gave the blog a new look-tell me what ya think!*

Alright,I confess. I am CLUELESS when it comes to relationships. Whats worse is I seem to be the ONLY one at school who is COMPLETELY clueless. Not just with boys-girls too. Girls might actually be worse than boys. I just can't RELATE to girls...I just don't think like a girl,and THATS why boys hang out with me. I think like a GUY. My mind is consistently in the gutter-I LOVE cracking dirty jokes and find them HIGHLY amusing.

Like earlier today in 5th period,we were waiting for the school cop to show up to lecture us on why drugs are bad. Half of the 8th grade is on drugs-why try anymore? These kids are hopeless! As I was saying,dirty jokes. Lemme just say first-Ms.Harper doesn't seem to be very fond of my period. She sees us everyday,we never shut-up,we never listen,and I think she can tell we don't like her very much either. Well,me and Alexi are pretty far back in the room,and he seems to say some stuff only loud enough that I can hear,but he kept repeating-

"Ms.Harper is a ball sack,Ms.Harper is a ball sack..."

 I was cracking up after the first time he said it,and he KNOWS its easy to make me laugh...he does it on purpose I swear...

A reason I can't have a relationship with a boy is pretty simple-half the boys at school know I can beat the crap out of em. Not like I care,theres only a handful of boys at school I can even stomach,let alone think their even remotely attractive. I save that for Alexi,and he's afarid to hit me. Perfect,right? I know. Plus most of the boys at school have figured out I'm flirting with someone. They just aren't smart enough to figure out who. Stupid boys-I make it obvious...

But there is hope for me-I have my Jiu-Jitsu friends,a couple groups at school,and Alexi's starting to figure me out. So I have hope-I just need to use it. Speaking of Jiu-Jitsu,tomarrow night my mom said she'd film us rolling,so you can see exactly what I mean now. Sweet,right? PROMISE I'll blog more,from now on,I've just been busy,and sick and nothings happened in general lately,but I'll try and find something more often!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

...'Cause Tonight We're Gonna Break It Down,Break It Down,Break It Down

Pretty random weekend. Got some interesting video...of Alexi...for fun...he doesn't really know either.

Nothing else really happened Saturday...lets Jump to Sunday! I spent the whole day with these idiots...

I WOULD say their my idiots...but MY idiots are named Alexi and Chris. The ones who keep hurting Mr.Le's poor mat...Anyways-try and have more pictures ASAP! Until then here's 2 more-

Take it as a warning...

Friday, March 11, 2011

...See What We Can Be If We Press Fast-Forward

Today was relitively uneventful...got clipped in the head 2nd period by a foam Nerf Basketball... (Stupid Ryan...stupid Sidney for pointing it out...) and alomst fell asleep 2nd and 4th periods but woke up in 5th period. Cuz Alexi walked in and the gym was humid and really smelled bad...but anyway,woke up. We would up having half court basketball and hockey-2 sports that Me and Alexi both hate and suck at-but were forced to play.

 Spent most of the time playing basketball,but when that got old,we moved to the other side of the room on the bleachers (next to him of course) and eventually Noelle and some other random girl came over to bug us about playing. We managed to hold em off for a while until Alexi decided to bug me to play. Favorite arguements he used (these get good):

"See,that kid has to go in with 2!"
*random joke about white people and hockey that I forget*
"If I go in-I'll hit someone."
"Yeah,but I'll hit someone harder than you would."

Then he finally went in and played. Ms.Harper (the evil gym teacher...she hates us all...especially Me,Alexi and Jacob...) starts complaining to a couple girls about something and Alexi (from the goal...I win...) and he yelled something like

"Abby's not playing!"

She ignored that,and told me to go get a basketball and babysit it insted of making me do something. *licks finger and marks point* Only other thing that happened today in gym of intrest would be when Ms.Harper went into the Girls locker room for a minitue while we were doing warm ups,Trey started counting and nobody did anything... and as soon as the door closed Alexi yelled after her-

"F*** you Ms.Harper"

She made us start over when she came out though...told you...she's an evil gym teacher. Anyway,thats pretty much all that happened today...Gym is the most interesting class I have...Oh I do have something else I overheard. Jonathan,Santos and some other random dude and this other girl were talking about the pregnant girl in our class and started talking about if they wanted to have kids. Chick doesn't. Santos might...and this scares me because he does druggggggssssssss...Jonathan said the same thing and HE'S on drugs and in Mauy-Thai at the same gym I go to... and this other kid said he might too. Brianna brought a baby dall...we all,including Ms.Gordon my 6th period math teacher,were abusing the thing,I kicked it in the head...not hard enough for Dallis,who was holding it by it's foot,to drop it,but kicked it and then I said if it was real we wouldn't be abusing it. Lizzy said it would be dead o_0 Anyways...Byes! :)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

...I Am A Rebel But I Do It With Class

Class rocked tonight. We had the biggest class in MONTHS turn out,group was big enough we had 3 groups in 3's like mines. I was with Kayla and Annie...as usual. But before class,everyone was practice rolling and Alexi was bugging Kayla to roll with him,and Kayla (who's pretty much figured out I like Alexi and I think she knows he likes me) was trying to get him to roll with me. Didn't work...I swear he;s afarid he's gonna hurt me...

 Gotta get to the meat of the night,rolling at the end. Skipping the stuff I don't remember...going to...Alexi and Ramon! Alexi is getting good. And I mean REALLY good. Like kick my butt good. After he went back over to where he was,I gave him the same flirty look I usualy shoot him,don't know if he noticed,but I have a feeling he did because after I rolled with Annie,and he was coaching me the whole time cuz he's just awesome like that,and I went back,I saw out of the corner of my eye,his cute little flirty smile. I see a lot more than he thinks I see...

And thats pretty much it for today. Get to more tomarrow!

...At Least We Try

Well,finally decided to do it-blog about my life. MY life. I don't do ANYTHING. But,I'm gonna do it. Try to blog everyday for a while. But don't just expect me to post everyday. Gimme a break,I barely have any free time!  Anyway...typing this right now is killing time until my Jiu-Jitsu class,so I'll go over what happens with that later. So lemme get something stright before anyone says ANYTHING. I'm starting this in the middle and by middle I mean dead center of my second semester of the 8th grade. (High School next year!) So finals are approching and trying to kill me...

I could talk about school,but who cares about that? I know I don't. I talk about school with my friends,when it comes up. So guess I'll have somethign to talk about after Jiu-Jitsu,so post more then. M'kay? So bye!